Well, Dan and I just celebrated our 3 year anniversary. That's right. THREE YEARS! Can you believe it?? I can't! It's so crazy to me how fast the past three years have flown by. Our life together has been one whirlwind adventure after another, and it doesn't look like it'll be slowing down any time soon. But today I want to pause for a second and recap the past three years that have made up our lives together. This is more for my own enjoyment than anything else, so it might be long! Don't say I didn't warn you!
After almost exactly six months of dating, Dan and I tied the knot on March 9th, 2007. Although everyone else thought we were crazy for getting married so fast, those six months seemed like an eternity to us. It felt like we had been dating forever! We were so happy when that day finally came!
After the wedding we escaped the cold spent our honeymoon in Cancun. What a dream come true, it was paradise!
It was about this time that time stopped dragging and started going by reeeally fast. We finished the month we had left of the semester at SUU, packed up the few belongings that we had in a rental truck, and drove all night to start our new life in California.
Dan started his career selling commercial insurance, and I got my first full time and professional job at Bradshaw International. From 8 to 5 on weekdays we pretended to be real adults in the real world (which was such a foreign concept to me!) But we weren't ready to completely grow up yet. Our free time was filled with days at the beach, lounging by the beautiful pool at our apartment complex, competitive games of basketball and frisbee golf, and exploring everything there was to see in Southern California- Hollywood, Disneyland, Six Flags, San Diego, Lakers games, Shopping, Santa Barbara, Hiking, and camping on the beach. Here are a few pictures of the fun times we had:
We spent two years in California- gaining our independence, learning, growing, bonding, and enjoying the adventure that we had set out on together. The plan was to stay there forever, but that abruptly changed one day. Literally, in a matter of two weeks from first discussing moving back to Utah- we quit our jobs, packed up our things (which had grown a bit since the first time) in a slightly bigger rental truck than before and drove back to Utah.
The third year of our marriage back in Utah was an adventure very different but just as new and exciting as the first two years. We started to feel more and more like real adults. The year was filled with blood, sweat, and tears (literally). We put every spare second we could find as "sweat equity" into building our first home. Our days at the beach and nights out on the town were replaced by late night hours and hours spent working at starting and building our own business. We had more trials and triumphs this year than any other time in our marriage- and although it may not sound as fun as our beach bum days in California, I wouldn't trade it for the world! We have learned so much, and grown up more than ever before!
But even with all of the growing up we did this year, we're not quite ready to be allll grown up yet! ;)
Now we're starting our fourth year together... and I can't wait to find out what it has in store for us!! I have a feeling things will only become more and more of an adventure!
Pear and Chocolate and Almond Tart
10 years ago